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CSR 26001

CSR 26001:2018 - Corporate Social Responsibility This certification brings you to achieve many Sustainable Developmental Goals at a broader range and faster rate. Based on the simplified procedure & strategies, the company can effectively enhance social responsibility in every possibility of business operations.

It touches on problem-resolving techniques and helps reverse climate change and other global social crises, strengthening the organization's focus in social responsibilities. To effectively manage corporate social responsibility, ISO 14001 encompass CSR based on earlier ISO 26000. To make a better environment and assists community involvement in a better way to achieve sustainability, nature conservation and green society.

This International Management Standard CSR 26001:2018 "Social Responsibility-Requirements" has been developed by the QSCert Group as a globally applicable standard to enable certification, monitoring, supplier, partner and customer audits to be conducted in organizations and companies.

Why CSR 26001:2018?

This standard will make an organization achieve their business goal efficiently while changing the environment and planet to make it a better place to live, conserving natural resources and protecting the environment, and solving critical social issues.

Who can possess CSR 26001:2018?

CSR 26001 can be possessed by any organization who are willing to bring changes in society and like to prevent environmental damage. Either large or small, public/private sectors, and NGOs. This standard is applicable irrespective of the size and nature of the organization.

Benefits of CSR 26001:2018 (Corporate Social Responsibility)

  • Improved company reputation & Brand Image: Demonstrating commitment to social responsibility can improve an organization's reputation. It is an excellent opportunity to enhance brand image and do innovativeness in CSR against their competitors.
  • Better Management of Social Issues: Compliance with 26001 helps organizations to manage different social issues and to implement responsible practices in areas such as human rights, labor practices, and the environment.
  • Financial Performance: CSR activities can drastically change the company's financial performance by reducing costs, improving operational efficiency, and attracting investment.
  • Improved Risk Management: The standard provides a systematic approach to identifying and addressing social risks and impacts, enabling organizations to crucially minimize negative impacts and contributions to our society.
  • Strengthening Relations: Building trust with stakeholders and improvising customer satisfaction, as more people are aware of the environmental crisis in today's climate change world. A great reason to maintain better links with stakeholders, customers, employees, and the publics eventually improve business profits. Involving the broader community in social responsibility, environmental protection, and nature conservation.
  • Improved Continuity and Sustainability: The standard provides a successful strategy for ensuring an organization's corporate sustainability improvement and helps to achieve sustainability in the global race with the help of the CSR approach.

How to obtain CSR 26001:2018 Certification for your company ?

CSR 26001 Certification in Singapore
EXAMPLE: Certificate CSR 26001
CSR 26001 Certification in Singapore
Certification mark CSR 26001


ISO 9001

ISO 14001

ISO 27001

ISO 37001

ISO 45001

ISO 20121

ISO 22301

ISO 37301


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